Sign up

Sign up and you will be available ocean of photos and videos uploaded by visitors InCamery.

Each post loaded by visitors of the site can be evaluated or commented.

Follow to interesting people and watch for updates their publications.

Share with friends

Load photos and videos of your life and share them with friends and acquaintances.

Any visitor will be able to evaluate and commented you posts.

Anyone, who likes you publications can follow to you and watch you updates.

Get profit

Each views and clicks to the advertising in the pages of your posts you will get a profit.

Share your publications with friends, thereby increasing their income.

Constantly update their posts, to interest more new followers.

For what we pay?

Page of your profile and pages of your publications have a small advertising block, when visitors see them, you get money for your balance.

How to earn more in InCamery?

- In order to earn as much as possible through InCamery.Ru you need to be proactive in our project, constantly update their photos and videos, constantly sharing with your friends a link of your personal page and your publications in our project in social networks, blogs, forums, via SMS , by e-mail and other means available.

- Participate in the partner program and get additional revenue to attract new users.

- You get extra money on the promotion of your balance in the bonus system for the activity in our project.

Because of this you will achieve maximum profit with InCamery!

 (@newuser194)BALAMUT (@79654621717)Виталий (@ekabu-2000)Death (@pro_bandit)Андрей (@vizualist)Polina (@madalice19)Хитрушка (@premogati)Карина (@gatsenko77)Даниил (@daniil_da)Тёмный Уголок (@pavel_kot40)Сергей (@filonov-92-92)Иван (@fizivan)